Digital transformation

The importance of the incorporation of information and technologies (ICTs) in the management of business organizations

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Páginas Web - Meeplab Tech Solutions


We create websites tailored to your needs, personal or your business, online stores, blogs, etc., responsive design, seo friendly and professionals.

Take the first step to get your business online.

Responsive design for your page, available for all platforms.

We can give you an administrator to make the changes you require on your website.

We install SSL security certificates to give security to your users when browsing your website.

Diseño Web - Meeplab Tech Solutions

Web platform

We create complete platforms oriented to the web environment, friendly, responsible, functional and that fully meet your requirements and needs.

Interaction of different levels of users and departments.

Reports tailored for your decision making.

Long-term growth infrastructure.

Ease of integration with other systems.

Pocisionamiento Web - Meeplab Tech Solutions

Web positioning

We help your website to be easily found by the people you expect to find you on the Internet.

Analysis of your current page to identify opportunities for improvement.

Recommendations and training of tools to position your website.

Improvements in the design, usability, performance and efficiency of your website code.

Benchmarking of the competition to contribute different and innovative ideas.

Aplicaciones Móviles - Meeplab Tech Solutions

Mobile apps

Development of applications both for all audiences and for your company.

Functional, friendly and elegant.

Current Android and iOS smartphone operating systems.

Facilitate communication with your customers.

Expand your business to other markets.

Comercio Electrónico - Meeplab Tech Solutions

Online Stores

Native online stores, shopify and prestashop.

Position your business on the Internet.

Increase the sales of your product.

Product inventory management.

Payments with Paypal, Cards and Convenience Stores.

Soluciones de Software - Meeplab Tech Solutions

Software Solutions

Development of software systems in simple programming languages and easy integration for other systems

They increase your productivity and that of your company.

Highly efficient solutions according to your needs.

Quick and accurate adaptation to the new requirements of a dynamic and changing scenario.

Modular solutions that allow the exchange of information between the different departments and timely growth.

Correos Electrónicos - Meeplab Tech Solutions

Professional emails

We create your professional and personalized email accounts to the needs of your business, access them from anywhere at any time.

Get your professional emails

Mail migrations to other services.

Groups and mailing labels to use in your company.

Unlimited account services.

Manejo de Relaciones con Clientes (CRM)

SAP y ERP - Meeplab Tech Solutions

Manejo de Recursos Empresariales (ERP)

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Administración Web - Meeplab Tech Solutions

Administrative systems

Administrative systems or business management software help you manage the processes of each of the departments of your company. There are varieties of administrative systems, the most prominent are the following.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management): System focused on monitoring the customer cycle, from prospecting to after-sales service. Manage your clients and don't let any of them leave due to lack of attention.

HRM (Human Resource Management): This system is dedicated to the management of human capital, from job descriptions, hiring, training, efficiency reports, remuneration, development plans for each of its employees.

IMS (Inventory Mangaement System): The system helps to control inventory tracking from entry to orders, sales and deliveries, as well as having control of the material that goes to process orders, avoids wastage, theft and / or loss of inventory.

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning): Comprehensive system that incorporates all the modules of the company, facilitates communication with all the departments of your company and helps you to make decisions through the reports of each area.

Inteligencia artificial - Meeplab Tech Solutions

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a trending tool in recent years, this is usually seen in machines that clean alone or in industrial companies; but in software it can help in different ways.

Comparative reports for decision making, and also predictive taking into account the behavior of sales.

Image recognition through patterns, for example: identification of items such as cars, plants, people, etc.

Heat maps of customer behavior in a store and / or on web pages.

Intelligent assistants who can help executives and / or people with different abilities every day.

Realidad Virtual - Meeplab Tech Solutions

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Mixed reality or virtual and augmented reality is an emerging technology that allows creating new interactive spaces for both objects and people. This technology has had applications in different branches:


Real estate.

Electronic commerce


Frequent questions

Here you can find the most common questions we receive from our clients. We have grouped these questions by topic and included the references you need.

Digitization vs Digital Transformation?

Digitization is the way to transfer all your documents to your computer, that is, to save them digitally; on the contrary, digital transformation is the evolution of your company so that each of the departments carry out their activities digitally. Your business environment becomes measurable, efficient and innovative.

Software is any computer program that allows you to perform different tasks, from playing minesweeper or solitaire to the program we use at work for our activities.

Hardware is any device, peripheral, component or tool that can be connected to a computer, these help us to interact with the software, it can be the mouse, keyboard, etc.

There are many tools that help you do it such as Wordpress, Wix or Shopify. We only recommend that you verify if what you want to do for the future can be done through these platforms, since they are very practical but have their long-term limitations.

Of course you do, get in touch with us to pass on the information.

What is expected of a client in a software development?

The most important thing to always keep in mind is that you shouldn't let things happen by themselves. As a customer, remember it is always important to start by participating in the development process and long after the first line of code is written. The requirements phase should include a series of interviews with your employees or end users to formulate what results you hope to obtain. Once the development process has started, the worst thing you can do is wait for the project to finish. In all phases of development, the client must monitor the process and validate the deliverables. This will help clarify additional requirements and most importantly ensure that the resulting product or service meets your expectations as well as it is in a timely manner.

Through an investigation on the question of 'idea security', we can distinguish several ways in which we can make sure your business idea is not stolen or copied and have confidence towards the future. You should: 1. Prepare a NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) or Non-Disclosure Agreement 2. Select protective measures and have public your authorship of the idea 3. Verify the reliability of your suppliers 4. Follow all the arrangements, questions and proposals about of your idea through email or messaging tools, avoid at all costs agreed deals as they usually end badly

When you hire a development agency, it is natural that you care about the correct operation of it. It must include all your requirements, be easy to use for users, look attractive and do the job for which it was created without generating any problems. But it's also crucial to pay attention to what is below the surface: the source code. You do not get the right to have the source code of the software automatically when you hire a development agency. A price policy can be generated from one agency to another.

Sometimes the source code is not included in the price.

Some companies ask the client to pay an additional license to have the rights of the source code.

The advantages of having source code are the ability to copy, sell, and modify the software, you should not overestimate the possibility of licensing it.

When you apply for the development of a software project, one of the main intentions is to have a competitive advantage in the market for your product and / or service. Using custom software significantly increases your company's business processes. Since the market always grows, the faster your project is finished, the better for you.

The reality of things is that sometimes clients face the situation where the project does not follow the plan initial and takes longer than expected.

The most common reasons why a project may fall behind in software development and directly impact the delivery date are:

• Bad Planning

• Missing Requirements

• Many functionalities to be implemented

• Losing key members of the team involved

• Technological challenges

• communication

Almost every business at some point finds it necessary to develop a customized system to guarantee constant growth. If the company has sufficient funds and an experienced team of IT experts, it can afford to do in-house development. Such software is produced by a company for use with its own specific requirements, goals, and functionalities. But most of the time, businesses rely on hiring a single developer.

Advantages of hiring a freelancer:

1. Low development cost
2. Availability (Sometimes it can be a disadvantage)
3. High flexibility

Disadvantages of hiring a freelancer:
1. Limited technical skills
2. Quality Assurance
3. Poor Project Management
4. Lack of Maintenance
5. No guarantees

Pros of hiring a Software Development Company:

1. Reliability
2. High quality of the final product
3. Continuity of the development process
4. Cutting-edge technologies and standards

How long does a web page take?

The design and development of a web page varies depending on the sections that you want to have, it can be from 1 week to 1 month. It is worth mentioning that this time is independent of the comments or changes that are desired once the development is completed.

For a web page, the company logo, company name, corporate colors and at least 20 good quality images are required to be used on the page.

That's right, we have confidentiality agreements between our clients and with our work team, so the idea of your platform is totally safe.

Like the time, the price is very variable, we can adjust to your budget, advance by parts and / or make a payment plan.

Your idea needs the internet when you want everyone to see and find out about your idea, a software with a local server is usually when you are only going to use it within your company or home.

It is important that you consider creation, approval and change times for the design, software development and testing for your idea, so you must plan carefully and time what you expect so that it goes according to your long-term goals. It is good to start your investment early so that when you have everything else ready, not only do you lack the platform, page or software to start recovering your investment, but also if you plan to launch your idea in 1 year, do not leave the last 2 months to develop the platform.

What is business management software?

This software helps you generate invoices, generate inventory and control accounting. You can observe the sales of your business, reports of income and expenses and more.

1. Decision: SMEs must choose a technology that suits their needs and the challenges they face. There are miles of options in the market, but an SME must know how to choose the ICTs they need for their needs, because if they cannot, they can lose themselves in their use.

2. Manipulation: SMEs must look for friendly ICTs that employees learn to use easily. Large companies can invest a lot of time and resources in training their people, SMEs cannot.

3. Best option: Find and compare affordable prices to quickly translate into ROI. Sometimes we find companies that use ICTs that are not so bad, but that are very expensive.

4. Durability: SMEs need ICTs that they can continue to use in the long term, as their needs change.

5. “ICTs can help prevent SMEs from dying in a short time. There is no miracle cure, but they can definitely help. And they help those that survive break even faster and sell more.

Customer Relationship Management, is a system focused on the cycle of a customer in your company, from prospecting to after-sales service. Through this software your salespeople can have control of the prospects they should contact and the owners of the companies have a report of the number of prospects they have and why media are arriving, if they are being given good attention and / or because they don't finish the sale. This system can grow to an ERP.

Enterprise Resource Planning, is a comprehensive system that facilitates communication with all departments of the company, each of them serves as a system module that over time generates reports that help build reports for the decision-making of the owners, later this data is used for the Business Intelligence platforms.

A software can manage any area of your business, it all depends on what information you want to obtain to streamline your work process, improve your sales and maintain your competitive advantage.

The investment of a software does not obstruct the growth of your company but rather contributes to the improvement and efficiency of processes, you must consider if the acquisition of human capital is so important in a process that you could make more efficient through a system.

I have a system that organizes my Company, can they connect?

Most of the time, through an API (Application Programming Interface), the developer of your current system must develop the API, in case of not having contact with the provider of your system, you will require the source code of your system to be able to perform this validation. It depends on how your current system is built, programming language, database infrastructure, software architecture, etc.

Normally, corporate software departments are oriented to the service and technical support of corporate employees and they hardly have time to innovate with new technologies on the market, so turning to an external development company can provide you with new ideas for your business to maintain or improve your competitive advantage.

Business Intelligence is a set of applications and technologies that make it difficult to obtain data from ERP for analysis and interpretation, so that they can be used for decision-making.

Yes, we are registered in the SAT all in order.

The packages for the billing systems can be found at, once the service is contracted we connect this billing API to the system you have with us or to the system of your business after having assessed the viability.

Contact us

We are always open to answer all your questions and all the suggestions you have for our team. If you want to get in touch, please complete the following form. Someone from our team will contact you shortly.

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